How to Build a Concrete and Wood Planter


Spring has arrived, and so have spring crafts. Flowers are blooming, and everyone is gardening, making planters with their children, and decorating their homes for spring. This DIY Concrete and Wood Planter would look great on your front porch or back patio.


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Make a Concrete and Wood Planter at Home

To be honest, we had a lot of trial and error with this planter before we got it right. Having said that, the first set of step-by-step photos are from the first planter we tried. We remade it with different concrete after the concrete fell apart shortly after removing the mold. The process remains the same, but I'll go into greater detail so you know what works and what doesn't.

What type of concrete should I use for a planter?

We made the first concrete planter with Sakrete High Strength Concrete Mix. We left it overnight with heaters on. We were able to successfully remove the outside of the wood surround, but when we began removing the inside, the outside of the concrete cracked and fell apart.

The second planter (shown above) was built with Pro-Mix Accelerated Concrete Mix. This mix was labeled as setting in 15 minutes and walking on in an hour. We still left it overnight and installed heaters to ensure its safety. We had no trouble removing the wood surround because it was perfectly set.

  • 1 coated MDF plywood sheet
  • 2 Pro-Mix Accelerated Concrete Mix bags
  • Saw
  • Drill
  • Screws
  • Cling film
  • Bucket
  • Water
  • Sander
  • Pine board 2 x 4
  • rag and wood stain

You must construct two boxes. These serve as molds for the concrete. There will be a larger box on the outside and a smaller box in the center. Between these two boxes, concrete is poured.

To begin, cut the plywood. We took the following measurements:

Large Container

2 – 19 1/2 x 12″
2 – 18 x 12″
1 – 19 1/2 x 19 1/2″

Small Container

2 – 15 x 12″
2 – 13 1/2 x 12″
1 – 13 1/2 x 13 1/2″

Assemble the boxes and use screws to secure the sides and base of each.

We liked the coated plywood because we didn't have to line the inside of the large box with anything because it came away perfectly from the set concrete. However, you will need to wrap cling wrap around the small box because some of the plywood's exposed edges will be visible.

Place the small (cling-wrapped) box inside the large box. Screw plywood offcuts into the corners to hold the small box in place. This is done for two reasons: first, to keep the small box from moving side to side, and second, to keep the concrete from lifting the box too high.

In a bucket, mix the concrete with water and slowly pour it into each of the sides.

Once poured we turned heaters on periodically over a 24 hour period.

Unscrew the center box gradually and remove it before removing the outside box.

Take a sander and smooth sand along the top of the planter to smooth it.

A wood base will support the concrete planter. Drill a hole in the concrete planter's center. To allow for drainage, the wood base will raise the concrete planter.

How to Build a Wooden Planter Base

Cut the pine board into four pieces. The longest side will be 18′′ long, and the shortest side will be cut at a 45 degree angle to fit together like a picture frame. Attach the four sides with screws.

Stain the wood base with stain and a rag and set aside to dry. This can be done while the concrete is drying.

The concrete planter will fit perfectly on top of the wood base, and you are now ready to fill it with a plant.


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